Knock on Wood Lucky Charm

Heyo the DIY Dipshit with another craft project to excite and delight! My BFF got me on the phone today after seeing that I was going to take a much needed hiatus from my busy schedule as a professional blogger.

You can use any block of wood. I used one that I found at a music store.

You can use any block of wood. I used one that I found at a music store.

She was right. I need to just power through. I took a quick nap and then dusted off my laptop and set forth to write my next great column. I thought about what she had said and that we all could use a little luck in this day and age.

You know that knocking on wood (really wood like from trees, get your mind out of the gutter!) is a cultural phrase in many different cultures?! In Bulgaria, Brazil, China the expression exists and it mean the exact same thing!

I was thinking about how I have been swept up in things lately and that I needed some luck as well. Especially with the hottie that makes deliveries with my yummah Orange Chicken recipe!



Block of Wood (You can use any piece of wood you find! An old 2×4, a music block, a door stop, etc.)

STEP 1. Get a block of wood

STEP 2. Deem it a Lucky Wood Block

Happy Crafting!

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